New World Order Top 20 Conspiracy Theories

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New World Order Conspiracies

New world order
New world order
1. Control of the world by a secretive elite

According to this theory, a group of powerful and wealthy individuals, often referred to as the “Illuminati” or the “globalists,” control the world through a shadowy network of organizations and institutions. They allegedly manipulate governments, control the media, and orchestrate major world events to serve their own interests.

2. One-world government

This theory suggests that the establishment of a new world order would lead to the creation of a single global government, which would rule over all nations and people. The government would be run by the aforementioned global elite, who would use their power to oppress the masses.

3. Population control

Some conspiracy theories suggest that the global elite are working to reduce the world’s population through various means, such as biological warfare, mass sterilization, and forced vaccinations.

4. Use of technology for control 

This theory proposes that the global elite are using advanced technologies, such as artificial intelligence and surveillance, to monitor and control the masses. They allegedly use this technology to track people’s movements, manipulate their behavior, and suppress dissent.

5. Satanic or occult influences

Some conspiracy theories suggest that the global elite are involved in satanic or occult practices and are working to establish a one-world religion that would replace traditional faiths.

6. Economic control

According to this theory, the global elite are working to establish a system of global economic control, in which they would control all the world’s resources and financial systems. This would lead to the impoverishment of the masses and the enrichment of a select few.

7. False flag events

This theory suggests that some of the major events in world history, such as terrorist attacks or wars, were orchestrated by the global elite in order to further their own agenda. According to this theory, these events were made to look like the work of external enemies in order to justify military intervention and the curtailing of civil liberties.

8. Depopulation agenda

Some conspiracy theories suggest that the global elite are working to depopulate the world through various means, such as the release of deadly viruses, environmental disasters, and wars. According to this theory, the ultimate goal is to reduce the world’s population to a more manageable size.

9. Mind control

This theory proposes that the global elite are using advanced technologies, such as electromagnetic frequencies and subliminal messaging, to control people’s thoughts and behaviors. This would allow them to manipulate the masses into accepting their authority and worldview.

10. Alien influence

According to this theory, the global elite are in contact with extraterrestrial beings and are working with them to establish a new world order. The ultimate goal is to create a one-world government that is overseen by these beings.]

11. Chemtrails

According to this theory, the trails left by airplanes in the sky are actually part of a secret government program to release chemicals into the atmosphere for various purposes, such as population control, weather modification, or mind control.


The High-Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) is a research facility located in Alaska. Some conspiracy theories suggest that HAARP is actually a secret weapon system capable of manipulating the weather, causing earthquakes, and controlling people’s minds.

13. Agenda 21

This is a non-binding United Nations action plan that outlines sustainable development goals for the 21st century. Some conspiracy theorists believe that Agenda 21 is actually a secret plan to establish a one-world government and eliminate private property rights.

14. The Great Reset

Some conspiracy theories suggest that the COVID-19 pandemic and its associated lockdowns are part of a deliberate effort by the global elite to usher in a “Great Reset” of the world’s economic and social systems. This reset would lead to the creation of a one-world government and the suppression of individual freedoms.

15. RFID chips

This theory proposes that the global elite are planning to implant RFID (radio-frequency identification) chips into people, which would allow them to monitor individuals’ movements and control their behavior.

16. Illuminati bloodlines

According to this theory, the global elite are members of a secret society known as the Illuminati, whose members are linked by their ancestry and bloodlines. This would allow them to maintain control over the world’s resources and institutions.

17. Agenda 2030

Similar to Agenda 21, Agenda 2030 is a United Nations plan for sustainable development that outlines a set of global goals for the year 2030. Some conspiracy theorists believe that Agenda 2030 is actually a plan for global governance and the elimination of national sovereignty.

18. Geoengineering

This theory proposes that the global elite are using advanced technologies to manipulate the Earth’s climate, either to combat climate change or for other purposes such as population control or resource manipulation.

19. Shadow government

According to this theory, a secret shadow government made up of powerful individuals and organizations operates behind the scenes to control world events and shape the course of human history.

20. Satanic agenda

Some conspiracy theorists believe that the global elite are part of a satanic cult that is working to establish a one-world government and bring about the end of the world. According to this theory, the Illuminati and other secret societies are involved in demonic worship and occult rituals that allow them to gain supernatural powers and control over the world’s population.

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