How to Improve Your Honda Activa Mileage: A Step-by-Step Guide

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Honda Activa Mileage

Honda activa mileage
Honda activa mileage adjustment

Getting the most out of your Honda Activa mileage is not just about saving money on fuel, but also ensuring a smoother and more efficient ride. In this guide, we’ll take you through the process of adjusting the carburetor to optimize your scooty’s performance. Let’s dive in!


For many in India, the Honda Activa is a household name. Known for its reliability and efficiency, this scooter has won the hearts of millions. But did you know that with a few tweaks, you can significantly improve its fuel efficiency?

In this blog, we’ll explore a step-by-step method to adjust your Activa’s carburetor for better mileage.

Understanding Your Carburetor for Honda Activa Mileage

The carburetor is the heart of your scooter’s engine, responsible for mixing air and fuel in the right proportions for combustion. In the Honda Activa, there are two crucial screws on the carburetor:

  1. Air Screw
  2. Fuel Screw (commonly known as Idle R.P.M Adjustment Screw)

These screws play a vital role in determining the air-fuel mixture, which directly impacts your scooty’s mileage.

Step-by-Step Guide to Adjusting the Carburetor

Step 1: Adjusting the Fuel Screw

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Begin by rotating the fuel screw clockwise to increase the fuel supply. As you do this, the engine’s RPM will rise. Increase the RPM to around 2000. Don’t worry about the high RPM at this stage; we’ll fine-tune it later.

Step 2: Adjusting the Air Screw

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Honda Activa Mileage: Adjust Air screw

Next, locate the air screw on your carburetor and rotate it counterclockwise. This will decrease the air quantity, causing the RPM to increase further. Keep turning until you find the point where the RPM stops increasing. This is the engine’s maximum power point.

Step 3: Finding the Maximum Mileage Point

Now, rotate the air screw clockwise. This will increase the air quantity. After about two clockwise turns, you will notice the RPM starting to decrease. Continue rotating until the engine nearly stops. This point represents the maximum air and minimum fuel mixture, known as the maximum mileage point.

Final Adjustments for Optimal Performance

Now that you’ve discovered the key points inside the carburetor, let’s make the final settings for optimal mileage and performance.

Step 4: Setting the Optimal Air-Fuel Mixture

From the maximum mileage point, turn the air screw to achieve an RPM of approximately 1500. This setting will ensure a good balance between power and fuel efficiency.

Step 5: Fine-Tuning the Fuel Screw

Finally, adjust the fuel screw by rotating it counterclockwise to reduce the fuel supply. Set your idle RPM between 1000 and 1200, based on the engine’s sound.

Testing Your Adjustments

After making these adjustments, rev the engine several times. Ensure that the engine speed returns to normal immediately when you release the accelerator. This indicates that your settings are optimal and the engine is running smoothly.

Key Takeaways

  • Adjusting the carburetor can significantly improve your Honda Activa mileage.
  • The fuel screw increases fuel supply and RPM.
  • The air screw adjusts the air quantity, impacting the air-fuel mixture.
  • The maximum mileage point is where the engine has maximum air and minimum fuel.
  • Fine-tuning both screws ensures optimal performance and fuel efficiency.

Tuning Your Carburetor for Maximum Mileage and Performance: A User-Friendly Guide – (


With these simple steps, you can enhance your Honda Activa mileage, making your rides more economical and enjoyable. Regular maintenance and proper adjustments can go a long way in extending the life of your scooter and saving you money on fuel.

Have you tried adjusting your scooter’s carburetor? Share your experiences in the comments below! If you found this guide helpful, don’t forget to share it with your friends and fellow Activa riders. Happy riding!

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Feel free to ask if you need any changes or further information.

Troubleshooting Sudden Drop in Scooter Mileage: Causes and Solutions – (

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